Friday, 26 November 2010


It isn't enough that I seem to spend my days rushed off my feet and in a constant race against time to complete the list of never ending tasks, which I seem to lose over and over again.  No - 'someone' has decided I have nothing better to do in life and has found me another chore to complete - 'bug catching'.  I've caught a bug:(.  Following on from my last post - the vomiting has ceased and has now been replaced with nausea :(.  I feel so sick, hence being awake at 2a.m.

An old wives tale suggests drinking a potion of ginger cures nausea.  Now I know why they are 'old wives' - what guy would stay married to someone so 'witch like' to come up with such evil potions?  Mind you I reckon drinking that would make me vomit - so maybe the advice aint so bad but then again I'm not about to try it!

Earlier I had the feeling that the toilet disinfectant companies were sponsoring me as vomiting was the main event of my day.  Maybe that's why it is called bloody 'toilet duck'.  I mean they used to call a doctor a 'quack' (get it - duck, quack?).  Okay so that joke is pants lol but I am smiling (yeah I know I am sad to laugh at my own jokes).  Actually quackery is a derogatory term used to describe the promotion of unproven or fraudulent medical practices.  I reckon I've secretly seen a 'quack' and am suffering the after effects of their potions. 

I've gone for the kill or cure method and have made a strong black coffee.  If there is no further post - it killed me!  I start a new job in just over a weeks time.  I reckon I don't need it.  I can be the acting double for the incredible hulk, afterall I look green with nausea at the moment.  Do you reckon chameleons suffer with constant nausea - I mean they turn green frequently - don't they or are they naturally green?  Oh I have no idea lol but it is the middle of the night and I am ill (well that's my excuse for being thick);)

Well I'm not a chameleon and neither am I the hulk - just a girl whose feeling 'sick' and tired of feeling nauseous.  So I'm off to try and sleep it off - I've given up on the coffee - the smell was too much :(.

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